Spokane woman embraces Gonzaga basketball stress


Meet Gonzaga's number one stressed out fan, Denise Hendrickson. "I don't know why it is but I just love them," said Denise of her beloved Gonzaga Bulldogs.

When the men take to the court on game day Denise gets really...really stressed out  "I pace and say silly things to my husband," Denise said with a smile.

That's not the only way that Denise destresses from the game she also likes to clean and cook so she can become grounded again but the hardest obstacle that Denise had to overcome this season was  "The loss to BYU was a little hard, but I just...what's sad is that some of them are seniors and then they're going to leave.”

She doesn't like to miss the whole game. She still listens to the game in the background while she is keeping herself distracted...

"It gets my mind off of what's going on here and I do have that little superstitious part of me that thinks if I'm not watching they'll win,”  added Denise about her neurotic behavior during basketball season.

During this big game she hopes to sit still and watch it but when things get tough for the Zags  "I run away for a minute or two get grounded a bit and then come back out and I am OK."

Luckily for Denise and the rest of Spokane, the Zags are headed to Phoenix to keep dancing, and keep stressing her out.

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